New Client Onboarding
About Lesson

With locations and users set up, you can now create or upload your products.

This is a good time to organize your products and, if needed, establish a SKU naming system.

Simple RFID requires that each product contains a Name and a unique SKU.

To create a new item click on the plus button located on the right.

Required fields are marked with a red asterisk on the web page & spreadsheet template.

Enter a Name for the item, a SKU and any variant properties you wish.

  • If your company uses UPCs or other compliant barcodes, enter the full UPC value in the Barcode and GTIN fields.
  • If your company doesn’t use this type of barcode, you can leave the barcode value blank.

Finally, click Save as Active.

To create multiple products simultaneously, such as adding products from another software system, download the template spreadsheet located in the top right corner. Copy the related properties from the partner sheet, and paste them to the corresponding columns of the Simple RFID products template. Once you have added all items to the sheet, save.

To upload click on the Upload XLS button, locate the saved template and select it. Finally click Upload to complete the upload and create these products.

If you have any issues or questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to…